Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I don't Need Life Insurance Right Now

Most people do not really want life insurance, but most people really need it. My son is 33 and he was talking to a college buddy last week. This is a guy who is the same age and is married with one son. He makes an excellent living and can afford a lot of term insurance at a very low cost. He has been putting it off because he is so young he figures his odds of dying are very low. He's right, they are low.

Early week his 29 year old wife went to the doctor because she was feeling flu-like symptoms. I have not learned exactly what disease she contracted, but two days later she died. A terrible story for sure, but it proved that we never know when it is our time to leave this earth.

Many young people we encounter feel they are bullet proof and will use the price of life insurance premiums for other more necessary things. Most older people we encounter wish they had purchased more insurance when it was so inexpensive.

That is one reason why young parents are looking into insurance policies on their babies. Not only are they a great way to help save money for college, but they also enable that child to buy policies that cost so much less when they are adults.

The day to start looking for insurance is today. Tomorrow could be too late.